Accessibility and jamovi

The jamovi project continues to improve the accessibility of jamovi. Currently (as of jamovi 2.6.15), most features of jamovi have been designed or adapted for the use with screenreader technologies. A small number of areas remain works in progress; you’ll find these detailed under Accessibility roadmap.

Understanding the layout

When you first start jamovi, you will encounter a user interface with the following features:

Using these shortcuts lets you jump from place to place at any moment. If you are using a screenreader (NVDA or JAWS) and are having trouble getting focus back to the spreadsheet or variables list, make sure you are in FOCUS MODE (insert+space). The spreadsheet will behave strangely in BROWSE MODE. Entering into focus mode can fix many issues.

Accessibility Road-map

Most features of jamovi have been designed or adapted for the use with screenreader technologies, however a small number of areas are works in progress. The following table describes these, and when we expect to have them ready.

Feature Description Release date
Access to the formula list in computed variables Formula drop down is currently not accessible to keyboard usage March 2025
Filters Keyboard usage in the process of adding or editing filters is incomplete May 2025
Keyboard shortcuts for annotations Currently only some of the formatting options are accessible through the keyboard Decemeber 2025

Should you encounter an accessibility related issue not described above, we encourage you to report this over on our GitHub issues page. The issue tracker will also allow you to track our progress in fixing it.

Quick jamovi walk through

Let us walk you through these features.

Application Ribbon

Alt key path: Alt

The Application Ribbon in jamovi is designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring it can be navigated using screen readers. It houses all the essential tools and commands needed for statistical analyses. With the help of keyboard shortcuts and screen reader feedback, users can efficiently access features like importing data, running analyses, and customizing their workspace. The ribbon is structured to streamline the workflow, keeping all necessary functions just a few keystrokes away.

To navigate the ribbon:

Ribbon Tabs

Alt key path: Alt

Each tab groups relevant commands and tools together, making it easy to find what you need for your data analysis tasks.

File Tab

Shortcut Key: Alt + F

The File Tab in jamovi is where you handle your project files. Here, you can open existing datasets, save your current work, and export your data or results to different formats. It’s your main hub for file management, ensuring that your data and analyses are properly saved and organized.

Variables Tab

Alt key path: Alt → V

The Variables Tab in jamovi is your go-to for managing and viewing the variables in your dataset. It provides options to add, delete, and modify variables, as well as to label and describe them. Essentially, it’s where you get to organize and customize your data for better analysis.

Data Tab

Alt key path: Alt → D

The Data Tab in jamovi is packed with tools to help you manage your dataset. Here, you can add new variables, modify existing ones, and transform your data with various operations like filtering and creating computed variables. It’s your hub for keeping your data in tip-top shape, ready for analysis.

Analyses Tab

Alt key path: Alt → A

The Analyses Tab in jamovi is where the magic happens. It offers a wide range of statistical tests and procedures you can run on your data, from basic descriptive statistics to advanced inferential analyses. Each tool is designed to be user-friendly, helping you to delve deep into your data and uncover insights.

Edit Tab

Alt key path: Alt → E

The Edit Tab in jamovi provides essential tools for formatting annotation text within the analysis results. It highlights areas within the results panel where annotations can be added, ensuring users can clearly see and edit their notes and comments for better clarity and presentation of their data.

Application menu

Shortcut Key: Alt + M

The Application Menu in jamovi offers access to various settings and preferences. Here, you can customize your jamovi experience to fit your needs. The Application Menu also includes options to zoom the user interface, making text and buttons larger for those who require enhanced visibility.

Data spreadsheet

Shortcut Key: Alt + S

The Data Spreadsheet in jamovi is your workspace for inputting, viewing, and editing your dataset. Like other spreadsheet programs such as Excel, it displays your data in rows and columns, making it easy to manage. Each column represents a variable, and each row represents a case. This is where your raw data resides before you start analyzing and transforming it.

It is possible to simply begin typing values into the jamovi spreadsheet as you would any other spreadsheet software. Alternatively, existing data sets in a range of formats (CSV, SPSS, Stata, SAS) can be opened in jamovi. Additionally, there are a number of example data sets available in jamovi. To open a file, select the File tab at the top left hand corner, select ‘Open’ and then ‘Examples’ or ‘This PC’, depending on whether you want to open an example, or a file stored on your computer. The shortcut for opening a file is ctrl + O, alternatively the Alt key path is Alt → F → O.

when navigating

when editting a cell


Columns represent the data for a specific variable. In jamovi, “variable” and “column” can be used interchangeably. The term “column” refers to the data displayed in the spreadsheet, while “variable” denotes what that data represents.

There are three different variable types:

Data Variable

Data variables are the raw, original data points you enter or import into jamovi. These are your starting points and can be anything from continuous data (like height, weight) to categorical data (like gender, type of fruit).


The name of the variable. This is used through out jamovi to reference the variable.


Allows a descriptive text to be added to the variable.

Measure Type

The measure type of a variable determines how the data can be analyzed and interpreted. There are three main measure types:

Understanding the measure type helps you apply the correct statistical techniques and interpret the results appropriately.

Data Type

The data type of a variable determines how the data is stored and processed. Here’s a breakdown:

Choosing the correct data type ensures that your data is accurately represented and appropriately analyzed.

Missing Values

Missing values are typically denoted as “NA” (Not Available) or left blank, and this can be defined in the application menu. These gaps in data can arise for various reasons, such as incomplete data collection, entry errors, or respondents choosing not to answer certain questions.

Handling missing values appropriately is crucial, as they can affect the outcomes of your analyses. This property allows you to specify a list of values that should be treated as missing values for this variable.


Levels refer to the distinct categories that a nominal or ordinal variable can take.

Setting levels helps define the range and nature of responses, making your data easier to interpret and analyze accurately.

Sometimes, levels aren’t recorded with human-readable names but as integer values. The levels property allows you to apply human-readable labels to these values and order them appropriately.

Computed Variables

Computed variables are created by performing calculations on your existing data variables. For example, if you have data on the height and weight of individuals, you could create a computed variable for Body Mass Index (BMI) using the formula BMI = weight / height^2. Computed variables let you derive new insights from your existing data.

Transformed Variables

Transformed variables are data variables that have been altered or converted to a different scale or format. This could involve normalizing data, applying logarithmic transformations, or converting a continuous variable into categorical form. Transformation is often done to meet the assumptions of statistical tests or to make data easier to interpret.

These features make jamovi quite powerful for data manipulation and analysis, giving you flexibility in how you handle your data.

Add New Variable

The spreadsheet always includes five blank columns at the end. When you start editing cells in these columns, they are automatically added as new columns. This is the quickest way to add new variables.

You can also add columns using the Data or Variables tab in the ribbon. The Alt key path to add a new variable is Alt → D → A. This menu allows you to insert or append variables efficiently.

When inserting new variables, they will be placed before your currently selected variable/column.

Modify Variable Properties

To edit variable properties in jamovi, you need to navigate through a few simple steps. Here’s how you do it:

Changes are applied instantly when you modify a property. No additional action is required.

These steps help keep your dataset organized and ensure that all variables are properly defined for your analysis.

Delete Variable

Deleteing a variable is easy. Select a cell in the column of the variable you would like to remove or select the variable in the variable list within the Variables tab. Then follow the Alt key path Alt → D → D. A dialogue will appear confirming your action.


The rows of the spreadsheet represent different cases for the all the variables. Navigating rows can be done in the spreadsheet using the up and down arrow keys.

Add New Rows

Add new rows using the Data tab in the ribbon. The Alt key path to add new rows is Alt → D → R → A. This menu allows you to insert or append rowa efficiently.

When inserting new rows, they will be placed before your currently selected variable/column.

Delete Rows

Deleteing rows is easy. Select a cell in the rows you would like to remove. Then follow the Alt key path Alt → D → R → D. A dialogue will appear confirming your action.

Filter Rows

Alt key path: Alt → D → F

In the filter settings, you can create a filter based on a variable or a function. This allows you to focus on specific subsets of your data for analysis. Filters can be enabled and disabled when needed.

Analyses Results List

Shortcut: Alt + RightArrow

The Analyses Results List in jamovi is where you see the results of your analyses. Each output is displayed here in a clear, organized manner, allowing you to navigate through different analyses easily. An analysis results item includes tables, graphs, and other types of output, making it simple to review and interpret your findings. You can navigate to each item by using the up and down arrow keys.

In between each analysis results item is an annotation item, which are text boxes where you can add notes or leave comments.

To access the contents (tables and graphs) of an analysis results item, use the shortcut key Alt + DownArrow. This will enter the results for the current analysis, allowing you to navigate the tables and plots with the arrow keys and tab key. The arrow keys move you from group to group. To enter a group use the tab key. Alternatively, use the tab key to move through all items. Ctrl + C can be used to copy any item within an analysis results. Annotation text boxes are also available between each table, graph, or heading for adding notes. Annotations can be entered for editting using the Enter key. To exit an annotation editing mode use the escape key. To exit from the analysis results item, simply press Escape or use any other navigation shortcut.

Analysis Options

Shortcut: Alt + LeftArrow

The Analysis Options Panel in jamovi lets you customize and fine-tune the settings for your chosen analysis. Here, you can:

Essentially, it’s where you control the specifics of your analysis to ensure you get the results you’re looking for. The analysis results will automatically update when you make changes to the analysis options, so no need to apply or rerun the analysis. You can also return to any analysis in the Analyses List and make changes to the options whenever you like.

Module Library

Shortcut: Alt + L

The module library in jamovi is like an app store for the software. It’s a public space where you can download specialized modules developed by the jamovi community. These modules extend jamovi’s functionality, allowing you to perform a wide range of statistical analyses and visualizations

To access the module library, simply navigate through the data tab or use the shortcut Alt + L. From there, you can browse the available modules, select the one you want using the Enter key, then tab through the information links and installation options for that module, and finally install them directly into jamovi.

Key Tips and shortcuts in Jamovi

When working with jamovi, you can activate key tips by pressing the Alt key. Once in keyboard mode, you’ll notice small letters appearing next to buttons, input options, and other regions of interest on the screen. Here’s how key tip navigation works:

  1. Navigation Levels:
    • Press the key corresponding to the area you’d like to access. This action reveals the next level of key tip options.
    • To move back to the previous level, simply press ESC. If there is no previous level, ESC will return focus to the spreadsheet.
  2. Exiting Keyboard Mode:
    • While in keyboard mode, pressing Alt again will turn it off, and focus will shift back to the spreadsheet.
  3. Applying Changes:
    • If you navigate to a control (such as a text box or list box) that accepts ENTER as an apply key, pressing Enter will return focus to the spreadsheet.
    • Alternatively, if you want to continue navigating using the keyboard, use the Tab key or arrow keys.

Happy key tipping! 🚀

File menu

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → F or Alt + F File menu
Alt → F, (1 - 5) Open recent files 1 - 5
Alt → F, N New Jamovi instance
Alt → F, O Open
Alt → F, O, P Open file from the computer
Alt → F, O, P, B Move back a directory
Alt → F, O, P, E Use the native file browser to choose a file
Alt → F, O, P, S Search of a particular file in the selected directory
Alt → F, O, P, Q, (1 - 9, a-z) Selected a specific file or directory
Alt → F, O, L Open a file from the data library
Alt → F, O, L, B Move back a directory
Alt → F, O, L, S Search of a particular file in the selected directory
Alt → F, O, L, Q, (1 - 9, a-z) Selected a specific file or directory
Alt → F, I Special Import
Alt → F, I, P Open file from the computer
Alt → F, I, P, B Move back a directory
Alt → F, I, P, E Use the native file browser to choose a file
Alt → F, I, P, S Search of a particular file in the selected directory
Alt → F, I, P, Q, (1 - 9, a-z) Selected a specific file or directory
Alt → F, I, P, C Select multiple files
Alt → F, S Save
Alt → F, A Save As
Alt → F, A, P Save file to the computer
Alt → F, A, P, B Move back a directory
Alt → F, A, P, E Use the native file browser to choose where to save
Alt → F, A, P, F Enter the filename you want to save to
Alt → F, A, P, Q, (1 - 9, a-z) Selected a specific file or directory
Alt → F, E Export
Alt → F, E, P Export file to the computer
Alt → F, E, P, B Move back a directory
Alt → F, E, P, E Use the native file browser to choose where to export
Alt → F, E, P, F Enter the filename you want to export to
Alt → F, E, P, Q, (1 - 9, a-z) Selected a specific file or directory

Variables Tab

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → V Variables ribbon tab
Alt → V, Z Undo data modification
Alt → V, Y Redo data modification
Alt → V, S Open/Hide variable setup
Alt → V, Q Create Computed Variable
Alt → V, T Create Transformed Variable
Alt → V, A Add new variable menu
Alt → V, A, I Insert new data variable
Alt → V, A, A Append new data variable
Alt → V, A, Q, I Insert new computed variable
Alt → V, A, Q, A Append new computed variable
Alt → V, A, T, I Insert new transformed variable
Alt → V, A, T, A Append new transformed variable
Alt → V, D Delete selected variables
Alt → V, F Open data filter setup

Data Tab

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → D Data ribbon tab
Alt → D, Z Undo data modification
Alt → D, Y Redo data modification
Alt → D, S Open/Hide variable setup
Alt → D, Q Create Computed Variable
Alt → D, T Create Transformed Variable
Alt → D, W Add/Edit data weights
Alt → D, V Paste into spreadsheet
Alt → D, X Cut from spreadsheet
Alt → D, C Copy from spreadsheet
Alt → D, A Add new variable menu
Alt → D, A, I Insert new data variable
Alt → D, A, A Append new data variable
Alt → D, A, Q, I Insert new computed variable
Alt → D, A, Q, A Append new computed variable
Alt → D, A, T, I Insert new transformed variable
Alt → D, A, T, A Append new transformed variable
Alt → D, R, A Add new data row menu
Alt → D, R, A, I Insert new data row
Alt → D, R, A, A Append new data row
Alt → D, R, D Delete selected rows
Alt → D, D Delete selected variables
Alt → D, F Open data filter setup

Analyses Tab

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → A Analyses ribbon tab
Alt → A, 1 Exploration menu
Alt → A, 2 T-Tests menu
Alt → A, 3 ANOVA menu
Alt → A, 4 Regression menu
Alt → A, 5 Frequencies menu
Alt → A, 6 Factor menu
Alt → A, Down, (Left-Right) For other analysis menus

Edit Tab

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → E Edit ribbon tab
Alt → E, V Paste into annotation
Alt → E, X Cut from annotation
Alt → E, C, 1 Copy from annotation
Alt → E, A, Z Annotation undo
Alt → E, A, Q Annotation redo
Alt → E, 1 Bold style
Alt → E, 2 Italic style
Alt → E, 3 Underline style
Alt → E, 4 Strikeout style
Alt → E, 5 Subscript
Alt → E, 6 Superscript
Alt → E, H * Back color
Alt → E, F, C * Text color
Alt → E, A, L Left align text
Alt → E, A, C Center text
Alt → E, A, R Right align text
Alt → E, A, J Justify text
Alt → E, N Numbering
Alt → E, U Bullets
Alt → E, A, O Decrease indent
Alt → E, A, I Increase indent
Alt → E, F Insert formula
Alt → E, C, B Insert code block
Alt → E, H Apply heading style
Alt → E, L Insert URL link

Other Shortcuts

Key Tip Path Action
Alt → S Full (data/results) panel mode
Alt → M or Alt + M Application menu
Alt + RightArrow Analyses results List

F Keys

Key Action
F3 Opens/Hides the variable editor for the selected variable(s) in the spreadsheet
F2 Enters edit mode for the selected cell in the spreadsheet
Shift + F10 Context Menu

Frequently visited areas

Region Shortcut
File menu Alt + F
Analyses Results List Alt + RightArrow
Analysis Results Alt + DownArrow
Analysis Options Alt + LeftArrow
Spreadsheet ESC or Alt + S
Variables List Alt + D
Variable Setup Alt + E
Ribbon Tabs Alt
Application Settings Alt + M

Frequently used actions

Action Shortcut
Save Ctrl + S
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Edit Selected Variable Alt + E
Edit Analysis Options Alt + RightArrow


Copy analysis results plot:

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